Creation of Position – EEO Investigator
Please email comments on any proposed creation of positions that maybe listed to Mr. Shane Ngata at shane.ngata@doa.guam.gov, with a “cc” copy to Mr. Michael W. Schniep at michael.schniep@doa.guam.gov. Please click on the link above for additional information. 3-2-17
Attention Prospective Offerors for FY 2017 Group Insurance Actuary or Other Recognized Expert
Please click on the link above for more information regarding the Government of Guam FY 2017 Group Insurance Actuary or Other Recognized Expert Request for Proposal.
Pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 4 of the Guam Code Annotated, Section 4301, the Governor of Guam is authorized to enter into contracts and reject proposals with one or more insurance companies for group insurance including but not limited to hospitalization, medical care, life and accident. In connection with such group benefits, the Government of Guam (Government) is accepting proposals from interested actuaries or other recognized experts in health and life insurance benefits for the purpose of providing actuarial consultant services for the Government’s health and life insurance programs.
For more information, please call the Human Resources Division at 475-1179.
Offerors are advised to download the following Request for Proposal file:
Guam POST Commission’s Reading and Writing Proficiency Requirements
Hafa Adai! Please be advised that effective October 31, 2016, new job announcements for entry level peace officer positions will include the Guam P.O.S.T. Commission’s reading and writing proficiency requirements. Please click on the above link to see attached document for more information.
HRD No. OG-17-037 Guam POST Commission Reading and Writing Proficiency Requirements
Government of Guam Competitive Wage Act of 2014 -Job Re-Evaluation Review Results
Please click on the title above title to view the Policy and Procedures and Job Re-Evaluation Pay Grade Allocations.
Hafa Adai! The Department of Administration (DOA) circulated HRD No.OG14-0221, dated February 25, 2014, to initiate a second phase relevant to the government of Guam Competitive Wage Act of 2014, pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter XI of Public Law 32-068. During the stage , incumbents were given the opportunity to request for a re-evaluation of their positions if they believed their positions were not properly reviewed based on the Know-How, Problem-Solving and Accountability factors of the position as provided and utilized during the Government-Wide Classification, Compensation and Benefits Study, which commenced in May 2009. The Request for a Job-Revaluation Review Process allowed incumbents to complete their forms as early as March 03, 2014 with their respective departments and agencies ensuring incumbents’ documents were completed accurately. DOA officially accepted all request for reviews from June 02, 2014 through June 27, 2014. As a result, the Job-Revaluation Review Committee released their findings and approved by the Director of Administration. The Pay Grade Allocations are effective January 1, 2018 or contingent upon availability and authorization of funding.
Attention Prospective Offerors for FY 2017 Group Health Insurance RFP
Please click on the link for more information regarding the Government of Guam FY2017 Group Health Insurance Request for Proposal. The Government of Guam is accepting proposals from interested and qualified health insurance companies licensed under the applicable Guam laws, to provide health insurance coverage for eligible government of Guam active employees, retirees, survivors of retirees and their dependents. Offerors are advised to download the FY2017 Health Request for Proposal. Please refer to all requirements and instructions in the RFP. Please click on the title of the file and save to your location of choice. All questions regarding this RFP must be submitted in writing and submitted no later than 4:00 p.m., Thursday, June 2, 2016. All hard copies and electronic files of the entire proposal must be received no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, June 24, 2016. Thank You.
The FY17 RFP includes the following files:
Government of Guam Competitive Wage Act of 2014
Hafa Adai! Pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter XI of Public Law 32-068, our Governor has implemented the Government of Guam Competitive Wage Act of 2014 Plan as transmitted to the Legislature, effective January 26, 2014 as evidenced by the pay checks received on February 14, 2014. Please click on the title above to view the Plan, the Policies and Procedures and Request for Review forms and instructions. Thank you.
Doc 32GL-14-1170 – Department of Administration Competitive Wage Act of 2014
GGCWA 2014 DOA Policies & Procedures